Interesting South – Sydney Conference highlights

Last night in Sydney I presented at Interesting South. Modelled on the event of a similar name in London, it was, as the name suggests, damn interesting.

The organisers aimed to capture the feeling of jumping from blog to blog – but in a face-to-face context. They succeeded.

I cried twice – once when listening to Zoe Horton – a genetic counseller – talking about a baby called Ruby being born with an incurable genetic disorder, and the tale of her short three month life.

The second time was for polar opposite reasons when listening to the tale of the Viral Waistcoat. There was a degree of unitentional hilarity when the Powerpoint failed to perform, but in the context I actualy thought this was intentional. Crying with laughter was the best way to mark the end of the evening.

The highlights? Tales of diving with humpback whales in Tonga (now on my to-do-in-the-very-near-future list), Tim Noonan celebrating being different (he has a huge potential as a stand-up comedian) and Michael Lister on how to design bus routes.

The videos should be online soon linked from the site, and if you were one of the many who could not get into the soldout event, I’d recommend a look.

I’m already marking next years event in my diary – it’s worth catching a plane for…

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