Idea arbitrage

From Wired comes a fascinating article about an electronic engineer using theories about the flow of electrons to predict the fate of endangered species.

By borrowing some engineers’ insights about how circuits work, ecologists now have a promising new tool for helping conserve mountain lions and other threatened species.Ecologists are now using “circuit theory,” thanks in large part to a scientist named Brad McRae who works at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis in Santa Barbara, California. McRae designed electronics for printers before completing a Ph.D. in forest science at Northern Arizona University. He realized how striking the parallel was between the circuits he had worked on as an engineer and the species he was now trying to understand.


As they reported last week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, circuit theory beats popular gene-flow models. It not only works — it works well.

The lesson : look outside your own sector and be open to adopting fresh approaches to challenges.

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