This morning I stopped past a supermarket on the way to work. I found a clear aisle and decided there was something I needed to do.
Trolley boarding.
(OK, so I just made this term up. So now it needs an explanation.
it’s when you put one foot on the back bar, and use the other one to push it along and trying to keep it going in a straight line. As a recreational activity it will never make it to the Olympics. Let’s face it, it would never even make it as some cult underground sport, unlike extreme ironing.)
I got some funny looks. Disapproving looks from people who were being far too serious. It reminded me of the relevance of experimentation in innovation.
Play is an important part of creativity.
Creativity is a vital part of innovation.
Which leads me to this quote (source unknown) :
We do not stop playing because we age.
We age because we stop playing.
Next time you’re in the supermarket, put one foot on the back bar of your trolley…